Friday, December 28, 2007

Axis and Allies Gamenight #1

This is the first of a series of entries that have virtually no value to anyone other than myself. I and a small group of men play a board game titled Axis and Allies. Each night we meet for dinner, then play until after midnight. It's effectively a man's answer to Creative Memories Crop Nights. I've played in these game nights for nearly five years. The original crew that invited me included Kraig Smith, Brent York, Matt Cook, and Scott Stringer. They've all moved away, I'm left holding the torch (which is now about the size of a match stick).

This first game night of the 2007-2008 season (these are almost always played over the wintertime) occurred tonight. Most players were busy/out of town due to the holiday season. Allen Acker backed out due to a sinus infection. In the end two played, Rob VanFosson and myself. Here's the game summary:

Host: Darden

The Players:
Darden: USA, UK, Russia **WINNNER**
VanFosson: Germany, Japan

Special Rules:
Salvage (Russia), U-Boat Interdiction (Germany), Enigma (UK), Banzai (Japan), Superfortresses (USA)

Round One Summary:
Russia: Bought mix of infantry and artillery, typical first move, nothing special.
Germany: Rolled two dice for weapons development, winning Jet Fighters. Bought 1 U-boat, 2 Fighters, and tanks. Typical counter-attack to Russia. Took out UK's Mediterranean battleship.
UK: Bought Indian factory, consolidated African tank and Mediterranean Destroyer to India. Forgot to move transport/sub around Australia.
Japan: Did not buy Asian factory. Rolled two dice in attempted weapons development (long range bombers) but failed. Took Pearl. Moved southern fleet against UK's Indian fleet and lost. Japan failed to hold serve.
USA: Bought two bombers and an aircraft carrier. Lept for West Africa due to Germany's land move east, thereby bottling up German battleship in the Med. Otherwise laid low.

Middle Rounds Summary:
Russia: Typical game exchanging blows with Germany. Slowly gained upper hand because Germany's penchant for Jet Fighters failed to replenish ground troops.
Germany: Bought one U-Boat and 1-2 Jet Fighters for first three rounds due to special rules. Slowly lost momentum in ground war against Russia. Lost tank in Africa, failed to dominate the continent.
UK: Cranked tanks into Asia, taking upper hand due to Japan's lack of production capacity on the mainland. Got luck rolls and had two Australian troops island hop from East Indies to Borneo to the Philippines, thereby strangling Japan's IPC's while gaining at one time a 56 IPC production count. Used growing production capacity to build transports, moved first to Norway (Germany left it open), then to Karelia, then to Eastern Europe, then to Western Europe. Germany was left counter-attacking the UK. UK shifted focus from Asia to Europe after Round Three in attempt to deliver knock-out blow to Germany. This starved India (1-2 tanks per round). Late in game Japan began moving troops to Asian mainland using up to four transports, thereby threatening India. Because Germany was weakened, Russia switched to tank production in Rounds 4-5 and helped recover India via counter-attack.
Japan: Eliminated initial US fleets, but failed to remove UK fleet from Indian Ocean until Round Three. Was starved of IPC's due to losses of south pacific islands to UK. Failed to fight for Asian mainland until late.
USA: Bought two bombers per round every round. Moved them all to UK for strategic raids against Germany. Slowly began strangling Germany's production. Never wiped out Japanese fleet, and never significantly pressed Japan. This would have been regrettable if the Allies' concerted effort to focus on Germany failed.

It Was Over When... Japan failed to buy an Asian factory and missed on weapons development. This opened the door for the Allies to focus on Germany.


EEEEMommy said...

I must confess that I was hoping for pictures and fun recollections from Christmas! I've never played Axis & Allies myself; thus, this post makes no sense to me. Ever heard of Settlers of Catan? It's time you boys learned a new game. ;)

Smith, Smith, Smith & Smith said...

Why learn a new game when the old one will do? I, for one, understand completely EVERYTHING you put down. Sounds like fun. Tell Acker we're glad he wasn't involved in WW2, if a sinus infection is all it took!!!

Many blessings upon you and yours in the New Year.

Scott said...

Thanks for the post-game summary! I miss getting together for the occasional shot at world domination. My cousin sent me an A&A game while I was on deployment, but I never had an opportunity to play. Now that I'm home, I haven't been able to get a group of guys together to teach them the game.
Good news, though... looks like we'll be moving back to Pax River late this spring! Looking forward to joining back in.

Scott said...

Yeah, Bill! Keep the match burning! The Zoo is heading your way and I can't wait to host one of these. I haven't had a large group of appreciative eaters out here in CA. I am eager to have the A & A group invade our home. (Assuming we find a place.)

mattherbert said...

I am very familiar with the game but not your special rules. But based on my knowledge of the game, the Axis played poorly.

First, Germany should not spend money on expensive equipment. Especially so early in the game. They start with a sufficent amount of planes and navy. They need meat and potato purchases. They need infantry. You never feel bad as the Germans for having too much infantry. A few tanks should be thrown in once and a while too.

Second, you are right in saying that the Japanese failure to purchase Asian factories early contributed to their demise. It is imperitive to get the factories upand pumping as soon as possible. They need to stay on the Russian's tail as much as possible. This is usually possible because if the US is smart they are putting everthing into defeating Germany.

Third, what shocks me the most though was the Axis's willingness to purchases industrial technology. The Axis cannot afford such luxuries, especially so early. Only the US or the Japs in later rounds can do so. The Axis needs every dollar to boots on the ground.